Historicons Parent Advisory Board

  • At Historicons, we firmly believe in the power of collaboration and understanding our customers on a deeper level. That's why we are launching our first ever Parent Advisory Board.

The Format of the Board and Sessions

The meeting schedule will cover a range of vital topics, including problem validation, impact modeling, solution validation, quality improvement, and marketing. During these sessions, we actively involve members in envisioning the future of our products, exploring brand and product options, discussing pricing, reviewing new product plans, and improving existing products.


Session 1: Problem Validation: Learning your pain points around raising socially-conscious children, and discussing diversity, equity, and inclusion as a parent


Session 2: Our Impact Model: Learning what you want your children and family hope to gain from interacting with Historicons products


Session 3: Solution Validation: Envisioning the future of Historicons, including product offerings, brand direction, quality improvement, and pricing


Session 4: Marketing: Establishing buy-in for Historicons products via packaging and advertising

Meet the Members

Victor Ko

Amanda Diaz

Amanda Diaz (she/her) is an educator and educational researcher who is concerned with humanizing and justice-oriented pedagogies. Part of her work looks at how teachers can have conversations around power, privilege, and oppression with young people. As a mother, she wants her child to learn about her Latina history, about the importance and beauty of diversity, inclusion, and equity, and how together we can fight for a better world.
K.a Joben

Cevan Castle

Cevan Castle (she/her) is the co-founder of Kinderpublic, an interdisciplinary organization dedicated to the design of accessible, inclusive, and sustainable public spaces, and the host of the Towards a Kinder Public podcast, which explores those topics through interviews focused on insights from other professions and lived experiences. She is the co-organizer of a parent resource group for neurodivergent and disabled learners in the Capital District (NY), and a member of the Climate Reality Project.
Richard Bauer

Charlotte Taylor

Charlotte Taylor (she/her) is a Chicago Public School teacher and a mom! She wants to make sure that diverse stories are told to kids of all backgrounds and that parents can foster healthy discussions.
Marin Julia

Erica Svatek

Erica Svatek (she/her) has over twenty years of experience in education, both as a teacher and administrator. She is continually dedicated to encouraging young people in their learning journey through her work in urban, rural, and suburban settings, with non-profit youth orchestras, community-based STEAM programs, and public secondary history and geography education. As a mother of three, she is now dedicated to empowering her children’s education as a full-time homeschooling parent, community advocate for neurodiverse children and families, and alongside her husband, running a small sustainable homestead in Upstate New York. She is the co-organizer of a parent resource group for neurodivergent and disabled learners in the Capital District (NY).
Marin Julia

Liza Minno

Liza Minno (she/her) is the parent of an 8 year-old, a community organizer, and an educator with longstanding ties to social movements for collective liberation. She joined the Parent Advisory Board because she found Historicons’ offerings to be great and fun educational tools.
Marin Julia

Pam Font-Gabel

Pam Font-Gabel (she/her) is a welcomer, full of warmth and compassion. As a mother, wife, neighbor, friend, nonprofit leader, sister, and daughter. Pam embraces her surroundings with gusto. Her professional lives have included teaching, international development, environmental justice advocacy, solidarity partnering, refugee resettlement outreach, & doula work. Pam feels her best when traveling overseas, reading a (paper) book, meal-sharing with family/friends, doing a crossword (with autocheck), drinking Turkish coffee, & snuggling with her children.
Marin Julia

Teri Brezner

Teri Brezner (she/her) comes from the “space in between”, she is a body of many cultures. Teri’s lived experience has taught her the art of belonging in liminal spaces, building bridges between worlds and cultivating a deep committed relationship with change. Teri is a program director, facilitator and coach with nearly two decades of experience using decolonized, liberatory practices and design thinking to support hundreds of social justice leaders around the world through personal, organizational and societal transformation. Her greatest lessons in leadership come from her daily practice of co-learning with her kiddo about how to be more human and co-creating a world where joy, dignity, self-determination and love are at the center.

Your Feedback - and How It Will Be Included

Our board will operate on a majority rules voting structure, ensuring efficient decision-making while respecting diverse viewpoints. Each member will carry equal voting weight, fostering equality and inclusion within our advisory board. We deeply value the voices and perspectives of our advisory board, recognizing their invaluable contribution to our growth and success.